Artificial Intelligence

AI-powered Inventory: A Retailer's New Frontier

8 min read By: Nishit Kathlana

25 June, 2024


Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s been creating quite a buzz in boardrooms and strategy sessions across APAC: Artificial Intelligence in Inventory Management. As we navigate the digital transformation landscape, it’s clear that AI is no longer just a futuristic concept – it’s a game-changer that’s reshaping industries. 

One of the most crucial aspects of supply chain management is efficiently managing inventory. Let’s unpack how AI is revolutionizing inventory management and why it’s a crucial tool for businesses, especially for industries like fashion, furniture, and cosmetics.

APAC and AI: A Retailer’s POV

Now, let’s focus on regions like Australia, where growth has immense potential. Businesses here are embracing digital transformation at a breakneck pace. However, with growth comes complexity, especially in managing inventory efficiently. This is where AI steps in, offering solutions that are not only smart but also scalable.

According to a report by IDC, AI adoption in the region is set to grow by 50% over the next five years. That’s huge! Companies are waking up to the benefits of AI, especially in managing complex inventories across diverse markets. 

In fact, the percentage of gen AI users who expect to use the technology daily is set to triple within the next five years, from 11% today to 32%. AI is already helping businesses with automated inventory tracking, product recommendations, picking, packing, and layout optimization tasks while ensuring seamless operational efficiency.

AI in Inventory Management

So, how exactly is AI reshaping inventory management? At its core, AI uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to predict demand, optimize stock levels, and streamline supply chain operations. It’s about making smarter, data-driven decisions in real time and not just reducing costs. Here are some key areas where AI is making a significant impact:

1. Predictive Analytics

AI algorithms dig into historical data, market trends, and even external factors like seasonality and promotions to predict what’s going to be hot and what’s not. This means businesses can keep just the right amount of stock, avoiding those nasty overstock and stockout situations. Think of a fashion brand predicting a spike in demand for winter coats just before the cold season hits. They can stock up accordingly and meet customer needs perfectly.

Brands in the fashion and apparel industry use AI to forecast trends and consumer preferences, ensuring they stock the right products at the right time. They can easily leverage AI during the festive season to predict a surge in demand for certain styles and sizes of clothing based on past trends.

2. Automated Replenishment

Modern-day brands are sticking to smart ordering systems wherein AI can take up most of their mundane tasks. It automates the reordering process by setting triggers for when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold. This minimizes human error and ensures timely replenishment.

This is particularly useful in fast-moving industries like cosmetics, where trends change rapidly, and shelf life is limited. The AI-driven replenishment systems ensure that popular products are always in stock. Brands can use AI to analyze sales patterns and automate orders for high-demand items, enhancing customer satisfaction. This takes the guesswork out of restocking and minimizes human error.

3. Real-Time Inventory Tracking 

AI-powered systems use IoT devices and smart sensors to provide real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple locations. This ensures that businesses can respond swiftly to changes in demand. This is crucial for industries like furniture, where managing bulky inventory across various warehouses can be challenging. The furniture industry is evolving rapidly, and brands are using AI and IoT to track inventory in real-time across their stores and warehouses to replenish stock efficiently and avoid delays in order fulfillment. With a 360-degree view of the entire supply chain, it becomes easy to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Industries Using AI for Inventory Management

There’s much more to AI-driven inventory management than these. I collected some use cases to understand how these functionalities work in real-world industries.

Fashion & Apparel

Let’s start with the fashion and apparel industry. Inventory management in fashion is notoriously complex due to the fast-paced nature of trends and the high variability in demand. AI is making waves here by providing accurate demand forecasting. For example, Zara, a global fashion giant, uses AI to analyze social media trends, weather forecasts, and sales data to predict which items will be popular. This helps them stock the right products in the right quantities, reducing overstock and stockouts. 

Additionally, Zara uses AI to track customer preferences and optimize inventory levels. By analyzing data from online searches and in-store purchases, they quickly adapt their inventory to meet changing demands. It also uses AI to analyze data from its stores worldwide, enabling it to adjust inventory levels and replenish stock quickly based on real-time sales data and emerging trends. This agile approach ensures that Zara stays relevant and minimizes overstock, leading to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.

Other such examples are Camilla and Marc and ASOS, which utilize AI to forecast trends and manage inventory. This helps the brands maintain the right stock levels and reduce waste, aligning perfectly with their luxury and fast-fashion models, respectively.

A McKinsey report highlights that AI-driven demand forecasting can reduce forecasting errors by up to 50% and cut inventory costs by 20% to 50%. These staggering numbers showcase the potential of AI in revolutionizing inventory management.


Next up is the furniture industry. Managing inventory in this sector involves dealing with bulky items that occupy significant warehouse space. AI helps by optimizing stock levels based on real-time sales data and predictive analytics. IKEA, for example, leverages AI to predict demand and manage inventory more efficiently. By analyzing customer purchasing patterns and seasonal trends, they ensure that popular items are always in stock while minimizing excess inventory. 

AI helps them optimize stock levels and streamline logistics, ensuring customers get their furniture on time. This not only reduces operational costs but also ensures that customers receive their orders faster, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Another such example is Australian furniture retailer Fantastic Furniture, which uses AI and IoT to track inventory in real time to ensure they can quickly restock and fulfill orders without delays. You’d be surprised to know that AI-powered inventory management systems can increase forecast accuracy by 25% to 40%, significantly enhancing supply chain efficiency and customer satisfaction.


When you know that the APAC Beauty and Personal Care Products Market size is estimated to reach USD 302.82 billion by 2029, it is time to get down to business! Due to increased exposure to the world of beauty, beauty consumerism is at an all-time global high. With an emerging middle class and a steadily increasing disposable income among consumers across the Asia-Pacific region, the consumption of beauty products has skyrocketed, propelling the region into the top spot of the cosmetics market across the globe.

The cosmetics industry is another great example. With a wide range of SKUs and fluctuating demand, managing inventory can be quite challenging. Brands like Sephora and L’Oréal leverage AI to manage their inventory more effectively. By analyzing sales data, social media trends, and even customer reviews, they predict which products will be in demand and adjust their inventory accordingly. This real-time data analysis helps cosmetic brands avoid stockouts of popular items and reduce excess inventory of slower-moving products, leading to a more efficient and responsive supply chain.

These brands also use AI to analyze customer data to provide personalized product recommendations. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also helps manage inventory more effectively while ensuring their best-selling products are always in stock, keeping customers satisfied!

I was recently reading a research report by Accenture, and I found out that businesses could synthesize huge amounts of customer and market data with a responsible AI framework and practices in place to come up with unique insights that they can use to test and develop product concepts. They noticed as much as an 80% reduction in data processing time supporting a 40% improvement in speed to market with new products and services. You always want to bring innovative products to the market, and leveraging AI can be crucial in an industry where trends can change overnight!

To Round Up,

In the APAC region, where diversity in markets and consumer behavior is vast, AI’s role in inventory management becomes even more critical. Businesses are leveraging AI to tackle unique challenges, from managing large-scale inventories in metropolitan hubs to catering to niche markets in remote areas.

For business leaders, the message is clear – embracing AI is no longer optional. It’s a strategic imperative. Whether you’re in fashion, furniture, cosmetics, or any other industry, the benefits of AI-driven inventory management are too significant to ignore.

At Krish, we’re excited to help our clients harness the power of AI to transform their inventory management strategies and drive business success. Whether you want to ensure customer centricity, deliver omnichannel experiences or pick the right technology, our experts can help you with just the right consultation. You can get in touch with us to learn how to do this.

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with AI in inventory management. Let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible and lead the way in innovation.

Cheers to AI innovation and growth!

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Nishit specializes in assisting brands and businesses unlock maximum growth through digital transformation and optimizing operations. With a passion for strategic discussions, he excels at improvising strategies to generate revenue and expand customer bases. Beyond his professional endeavors, Nishit enjoys traveling and connecting with new people, sharing experiences, and engaging in conversations about technology.

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